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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hanukkah in Los Angeles

In December 2009 I was driving up the Pacific Coast Highway and did a double take on what looked like highway road signs. I actually circled back around to get a photo of the green "Happy Chanukah" sign, and the yellow "lighten up," "celebrate freedom" and dancing rabbi signs. Hey, it got me to stop ...

Outside of New York City, Los Angeles has the largest Jewish community in the world. I'm continually impressed by the impact that Jews - who make up less than 2% of U.S. population - continue to have in American society. As I've shared before, I'm convinced that I - and other Christians - can learn from the Jewish community in the sense of impacting the larger society from a minority religious position.

Unknown to many Christians, Hanukkah is clearly mentioned in the New Testament (see John 10:22,23). Here's a fascinating link.

I'm not a big fan of the generic "Happy Holidays" greeting or, even worse, "Happy Holiday" - and what holiday would that be?

I really prefer how my son's Scout leader in L.A. finished out the year: "I hope you all have the best Hanukkah .... and a very Merry Christmas."

© 2011 - originally posted 12/19/2009

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