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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Chris Burden's Urban Light at LACMA

Located outside Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) on Wilshire Blvd is Chris Burden's outdoor sculpture "Urban Light."

The sculpture consists of over 200 restored vintage light posts from around Los Angeles.

The historic lamp posts and the geometric patterns look neat during the day . . .

. . . but the best time to see them is at night. My wife and I were driving along Wilshire Blvd a few months back when I stopped and snapped off a couple quick pics.

Wish I had some more time - and a tripod.

Here's a link to another site with some better pics of "Urban Light" My hats off to the photographer.

photo credit:

As a Christian, I'm reminded that "light" is use is a metaphor throughout the Scriptures. The first words spoken by God himself are the famous "let there be light" of Genesis 1. John's gospel describes Jesus as "the true light that gives light to every man." Jesus said of himself "I am the light of the world." The last chapter in the Bible describes God himself as the final and ultimate source of light.

photo credit:

Some friends of mine used a photo of themselves in front of the LACMA light posts for their Christmas card. It's a great pic - and reminds me of yet another way light is used in Scripture: to describe the followers of Jesus Christ. "You are the light of the world" Jesus said to his disciples, and by extension, to those who follow him today.

photo credit:

As we move into the Christmas season, it's a reminder for me to be perhaps less concerned about the twinkling lights around the house, more concerned with my character, my actions, and my involvement in those who Jesus described as "the least of these."

Maybe that's the kind of urban light God wants.



Anonymous said...

wish your blog had a "like" button

nice photos and interesting commentary

David from L.A. said...

Thank you for the kind feedback.

Anonymous said...

Found your blog searching for images of the lamp posts at LACMA. Great photos and commentary; enjoyed the background story. Thanks~

Anonymous said...

Great blog - keep up the good work.

Bill Main said...

Cool pictures. I was just looking for pictures of lightposts in Beverly Hills and I found a believer making interesting commentary and making sure to not hide His light under a basket.

Anonymous said...

Well said!

Unknown said...
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James said...

Nice post about LACMA. Their light is very beautiful .

rosi said...

Led lights are always great to watch. Nice collection of pictures of Los Angeles County Museum.

opiapa said...

I visited LACMA last year. Really, their lighting is eye catching!

James said...

Nice post about LACMA. Their light is very beautiful .